Thomas explains his feelings about marrying Paris

The Bold and the Beautiful Recap for Thursday, June 27, 2024
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The Bold and the Beautiful Daily Recaps (Thursday, June 27, 2024)
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Thursday, June 27, 2024

In Eric's office, Steffy let Hope know that Thomas was engaged to Paris. Hope said she knew, but Steffy quipped that it hadn't looked like it when Hope had kissed him. Hope noted that it had been on the cheek. Not buying it, Steffy ordered Hope to respect Thomas' wishes.

Claiming to be looking out for Thomas, Hope asked if it really didn't concern Steffy that Thomas had asked Paris to marry him so soon after asking Hope. Steffy shared her concern about Hope trying to get into Thomas' head, but Hope asked Steffy to put her issues with Hope aside. Hope asked if Steffy would honestly say that Thomas' relationship with Paris wasn't reactionary.

Steffy stated that Thomas was a grown man who could make his own decisions. She said sometimes it took years to find love, and sometimes, it happened automatically. Steffy believed Hope was pretending to care about Thomas but really only cared about herself. In Steffy's view, instead of respecting Thomas' choices, Hope wanted Thomas to still be in love with her, and that was really sad.

Hope stated that she'd agreed to respect Thomas' choice, but Steffy noted that Hope had kissed him. Hope said it had been on the cheek, and she still cared for Thomas, which she didn't have to explain to Steffy. Hope claimed that dating was one thing, but it was marriage.

Hope wondered if Steffy had thought about Douglas at all. Steffy said she had, and Hope gleaned that Steffy had known about it the entire time but hadn't said anything. Shrugging, Steffy concluded that it hadn't been her business to tell. Hope accused Steffy of encouraging it and trying to put Thomas and Paris together. Steffy declared that Paris made him happy, and she'd support her brother. Steffy clarified that she hadn't known about the engagement.

Hope was sure Steffy was thrilled. Steffy replied that she was because Thomas was with someone who appreciated him. Hope asked if Steffy was sure that woman was Paris. Steffy shot back that Paris wasn't wearing the ring around her neck as a necklace. Hope figured Steffy was tricking herself about that sham of a relationship because she wanted Thomas with anyone but Hope.

In the design office with Paris and Thomas, Ridge was still trying to process Paris and Thomas' engagement. Thomas explained that he hadn't found the right time to tell Ridge. Ridge wondered why Thomas would keep something like that from his father. With his arm around Paris, Thomas admitted that he'd messed up with relationships, and his father had witnessed it. Thomas had wanted to be completely sure before he told Ridge. "And I am, Dad," Thomas concluded. Ridge seemed unsure.

Paris decided to leave Ridge and Thomas to talk. As she went to find Douglas, Thomas kissed her and said he'd call her when he was heading home. "Surprise!" Thomas exclaimed after she'd gone. Ridge said Paris and Thomas seemed good together, and everyone in the building liked her. He thought it was perfect that his son had found love. Thomas sensed a "but" coming.

Ridge stated that he was happy if Thomas was, but he had to wonder why Thomas had to get married after what he'd gone through with Hope. Thomas affirmed that he wouldn't have proposed if he hadn't been ready to marry Paris. Ridge asked why it was so fast. Thomas replied that it felt right, but Ridge asked what the rush was.

Thomas contended that Paris was incredible, beautiful, and talented. She'd always gotten along with Douglas, and there had been a time that they'd lived together. Even then, there had been a spark. Ridge replied that a spark was far from a marriage. Thomas had been destroyed when he'd arrived in France, but Paris had pulled him out of it. "I love her, Dad," Thomas asserted. Ridge asked if that was it or if Thomas was using it to shut down his feelings for Hope.

Thomas asked if Ridge really thought Thomas would use Paris to get over Hope. Ridge said he didn't but wondered if having Paris at his side had made things hurt less. Ridge said it was a terrible reason to marry someone. Thomas stated that he agreed that it would be terrible, but that wasn't the reason for his choice. Thomas said he'd finally let go of Hope, and that had been when he'd seen a beautiful and wonderful person standing before him. "Maybe it was being with Hope that kept my blinders on," Thomas said. He said he'd let Hope go, and he'd seen Paris.

Ridge asked if his son saw his concern. Thomas did and appreciated it. He recalled telling Hope that he was a one-woman man, but she couldn't commit to him the way he could to her. He'd had to respect that and let her go. He reasoned that it might have happened as it had been meant to because being hurt had led him to fly to Paris. He said he'd been at International at the right time, and he'd been able to see Paris, the wonderful, beautiful woman who had an amazing relationship with his son. Paris was the woman he wanted to be with, and he intended to marry her.

At Bill's house, Luna munched on pizza, noting that Poppy had been off since the pizza guy had left. Bill entered, asking who they were talking about. Poppy claimed it had been nothing, and she just hadn't been expecting a pizza delivery.

Bill asked if Poppy had ordered a pizza, and she stated that she hadn't. Bill became concerned that a random guy had gotten past security. He'd given security a list of who could come and go from the property. Poppy didn't want to make a big deal of it. Bill insisted that he was protective of his family, and they were unmistakenly his family.

Bill left the room to take a call from Liam, and Luna noticed Tom Starr's event flyer on the pizza box. She noted that the event was that evening and said they should go. Bill returned, and Luna asked if he sang. He joked that the neighborhood dogs were his chorus. Poppy decided they should stay home and listen to her father's bad singing.

Luna caught Poppy off guard by asking if there had been another reason Poppy hadn't told her about Bill. Bill remarked that Poppy had been protecting Luna, but Luna didn't get why she needed protection from Bill Spencer, whose whole life had been documented online. Luna stated that it wasn't like they'd been going in blind. Poppy felt guilty for not opening up sooner. Luna didn't want to make Poppy feel that way, but Luna persisted in asking if there was another reason Poppy hadn't told Luna the truth.

At Il Giardino, Deacon and Hollis grinned as Tom strummed his guitar. Hollis couldn't wait to hear Tom play later. Tom replied that music had always been natural to him and a big part of his life. Though Tom hadn't been on stage in a while, he'd performed a lot in the past at bars, country fairs, and festivals. Music was in his blood.

Tom revealed that he'd had quite a following back in the day. He'd traveled up and down the coast and done a recording. He'd even gotten radio play. Deacon wondered if they knew the song, and Tom teased that they'd have to listen and find out.

Hollis asked Tom what it was like to be a rock star. Tom humbly said that he hadn't been that, but seeing the audience sway was when one realized that they were captivated. Hollis wondered about groupies, and Tom said he'd be lying to say the girls hadn't been crazy about him. He stated that it might not look that way, but it was true. Deacon wondered if the performance that evening might give Tom a taste of his past.

Alone later on his small stage, Tom looked around wistfully.

On the next The Bold and the Beautiful...


• Poppy tries to make peace with Li

• Hope tells Brooke she'll put a stop to her feelings for Finn

• Ridge tells Steffy that he wants Brooke on the executive team



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